Water protection
For us, water protection means the sustainable management of water resources, environmentally-friendly wastewater disposal and the careful handling of substances that constitute a hazard to water.
The water used in our processes comes from our own water extraction and treatment plants. Water is oxygenated by a process of atomization (see figure above) and the free carbonic acid removed – a natural and environmentally friendly process.
As water in a steelworks is mainly used for cooling metallurgical processes, closed-loop recycling management is particularly important. Thanks to both reprocessing and the optimized management of process water, the water is used with maximum efficiency.
The wastewater is cleaned at our own wastewater treatment plant and then returned to the receiving waters, and consequently into the natural water cycle, in compliance with the related discharge conditions.
In order to protect the soil, only trained specialists acting in accordance with strict legal requirements may handle substances that constitute a hazard to water.