Ordered weights and coil weights

Ordered weights for order position (Guidelines)

Ordered width 1 Coil 2 Coils 3 Coils more
mm t t t t
900-925 1) 28 - 32 - above 602)
926-950 20 38 - 42 56 - 66 above 80
951-1050 22 44 - 48 60 - 72 above 90
1051-1150 24 46 - 50 66 - 78 above 100
1151-1250 26 48 - 54 71 - 84 above 105
1251-1350 28 53 - 60 76 - 80 above 110
1351-1450 30 53 - 60 76 - 90 above 120
above 1451 30 53 - 60 76 - 90 above 120

Prime material - coil weights undivided and without welds; in tonnes

Ordered width min. max.
mm t t
900 - 950 15 20.0
951 - 1050 17.2 22.1
1051 - 1150 19.0 24.2
1151 - 1250 20.8 26.3
1251 - 1350 22.6 28.4
1351 - 1450 24.4 30.5
1451 - 1510 26.2 31.7


  1. Coil unit structure subject to prior arrangement
  2. Division of coils is possible. Minimum coil weight: 5 kg/mm width.
  3. Special weights only by agreement.