Legal Notice
Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH
Eisenhüttenstraße 99
38239 Salzgitter, Germany
Phone: +49 5341 21-01
Fax: +49 5341 21-8601
Corporate Headquarters: Salzgitter
Registration Office: Braunschweig District Court
Registration Number: HRB 6609
VAT No: DE813111970
Dipl.-Ing. Gerd Baresch, Technical Management
Dipl.-Ing. Eike Brünger, Sales and Logistics
Dipl.-Arb. Wiss. Jens Loock, Human Resources
Dipl.-Kfm. Frederick Schröder, Finances and Procurement
Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Gunnar Groebler
The Supervisory Board of Salzgitter AG
Heinz-Gerhard Wente
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
View Supervisory Board
Legal Information / DISCLAIMER
We are making the content of the company website available to you in order to provide you with better information. However, we request that you observe the following notifications and liability exclusions:
All data and content on this website may have been altered and/or manipulated. This may occur through third parties and without our knowledge. Therefore, we shall assume no liability for the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information reproduced here. This applies likewise for all other websites that are referenced by way of hyperlinks. The company reserves the right to alter or supplement the information or data provided without prior notice. In particular, we shall not assume liability of any kind for knowledge and statements, as well as any acts resulting on the basis of such knowledge or statements that emanate directly or indirectly from the analysis of the data, content and correlations of this website. This applies in particular to the stock market data contained on the company web pages. This information has been made available and presented by third parties and is subject to a time delay. The information and data made available do not represent an encouragement or invitation to buy, sell or conduct any other type of trade in securities. The company shall neither assume liability for direct nor indirect damages, including lost profits, arising as a result of the utilization of the information or data contained on this website. In the event of discrepancies between the German and the English version of all content, the German version takes precedence over the English version.
The information reproduced on these pages, in particular information regarding the Profit and Loss Account, the Financial Statements and the Statement of Funds Provided and Utilized do not represent a publication as defined by the applicable legal provisions. Only the respective information published in accordance with legal regulations is valid, in particular Quarterly and Annual Financial Statements. We will be pleased to provide you with these reports. We shall not assume any liability to you or third parties with regard to damages and/or alterations in hardware and software as well as for subsequent damages caused by such damages/alterations or the utilization of the website or individual data files thereof. In this connection, we refer to the fact that these data files can be attached to data (e.g., so-called, "Computer Viruses") that are capable of causing significant damages.
To the extent that our Internet pages contain statements oriented towards or related to the future, such statements are based on our current state of knowledge and the estimates based on such knowledge made by the management of the company. However, as is the case with any forecasts or prognosis, such statements are also subject to uncertainties and risks. We are not obligated to update this data. With regard to Ad Hoc notifications made on the Investor Relations pages, we refer to the fact that only the wording of the declaration published in compliance with legal provisions shall represent the authoritative standard.
Notwithstanding prevailing statutory provisions and capital market law in particular, the company undertakes no obligation to continuously update any forward-looking statements that are made solely in connection with circumstances prevailing on the day of their publication.
This data file and the data contained on these pages (including, among others, texts, images, graphics and Flash animations) are subject to copyright and other laws on the protection of intellectual property. To the extent that nothing contradicting or deviating is stated, all trademarks bear legal trademark protection. This applies in particular for Salzgitter company logos and product names. The brands and design elements used on our web pages are the intellectual property of Salzgitter AG. We therefore reserve all rights as such. The brands and design elements serve to provide non-binding information regarding our company to the respective user, and may not be copied, otherwise distributed, reproduced or used within the framework of other depictions, in particular websites, or forwarded to third parties without our express prior written consent. The provision of this website does not represent the granting of any license for the utilization of the intellectual property of Salzgitter AG or its affiliated companies or subsidiaries.
For questions or advice regarding the structure or content of this website, please refer to the following contact address:
Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH
Marketing department
Phone: + 49 5341 21-2890
Fax: + 49 5341 21-8536
Internet Presence Concept & Realization
PierraaGroup GmbH
Inselwall 11
38114 Braunschweig
Phone: +49 531 88 63 13-00