Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Digital process networking

Fast and efficient processes – digitalization is helping make this possible. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is making communication for process and product data faster and less prone to errors. Having the latest data at all times allows swift and targeted action.
The complexity of your systems and interfaces should not be increased unnecessarily. We therefore support all common formats and also adapt them individually when necessary. To interchange small amounts of data, we offer our WebEDI solution for interchange over the Internet.
We offer solutions and corresponding interchange formats based on the OFTPv2, SFTP and x.400 communication standards for the following business processes:
Order/scheduling agreements
Single order or scheduling agreements - we add your electronically determined requirements directly to our merchandise management system. This eliminates the data acquisition effort and shortens the processing time. The data are received as EDIFACT, VDA or IDoc messages. We use your material numbers to identify the articles.
Order confirmation
We run each order through a number of checks that are followed by the order planning. This is a very swift electronic process. As a result of the electronic order processing, we electronically send the order confirmation directly to your system as an EDIFACT or IDoc message.
Readiness for shipment (RFS)
We offer you information on your order’s production status at all times via eService. The electronic report of readiness for shipment (RFS message) is substantially more convenient. We report the RFS status with material ID number and unit weight directly to your system. We use EDI formats that are based on VDA and EDIFACT, but offer csv files.
Call for shipping
You tell us when and possibly where your completed material should be delivered. You can do this electronically or with a call for shipping in eService, via WebEDI, or in the form of a file, which we receive via csv upload.
Delivery notes
We plan the shipment of your materials and electronically inform you of the consignment data as the delivery note. After the scheduling and/or completion of the loading, we send you the delivery note as an EDIFACT or VDA message. Your merchandise management system therefore knows the content of the particular consignment before delivery and consequently accelerates the subsequent processing in goods receiving.
Goods movements
Goods are moved, and we make the location and condition of the goods transparent. We do this by interchanging the goods movement data with our carriers and warehouse keepers. We are informed of movements into and out of the warehouse and of the blocking or shipment of goods by means of VDA, EDIFACT and XML messages or via WebEDI. As a warehouse keeper, we send you our loading instructions in XML format, and we also process the confirmation electronically as goods issue.
We attest to the quality of our product with a corresponding certificate in accordance with EDIFACT. By transferring all material characteristics directly into your system, we make it possible for you to carry out qualitative validations swiftly and to reliably administer the document assigned to the material.
We send electronic payment claims for our deliveries and prepare electronic credits for services provided. Conversely, we process data sent in this way. Automatic inclusion into the particular merchandise management system ensures complete processing and automates the payment system management.
With your inquiry, you determine which processes we should switch to EDI.