A small side member with an important job
17.02.2016 | Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH
A small side member with an important job
Cooperation based on trust pays off. In 2009 Salzgitter Flachstahl provided material for tailored welded blanks for the VW Touareg in the HC340LAD/HCT600XD material combination. At 2.50 x approx. 1,620 mm, the dual phase steel's dimensions meant that in principle, neither of Salzgitter Flachstahl's hot-dip galvanizing lines would have been able to take over production: too wide for one line and much too thick for the other. With the appropriate entrepreneurial judgment, the decision was to transcend the limits for the customer and service the orders. This feasibility study in the framework of product development at Salzgitter Mannesmann Research paid off: none of the competitors could equal this offer to the customer. Now, in 2016, Salzgitter Flachstahl is in its eighth year as the successful production supplier for the Touareg side member through Salzgitter Europlatine at Tower Automotive in Zwickau.
Building on this success, Salzgitter Flachstahl has received more dimensions for the HCT600XD with large thicknesses, so that it was possible to extensively expand the range of dimensions.
In the recent past, not only was the range of dimensions expanded, there were also additions to the range of available dual phase steels. Consequently, in what is currently the highest strength class, HCT980XD can be found in six different hot-dip zinc coated yield strength derivatives. Based on the positive history, Tower Automotive requested the HCT980XD dimension with Rp0.2 ≥ 660 MPa in 2.10 x 1,145 mm from SZFG for the VW up! side member. After component talks, precise specifications, and material development with a successful sample, deliveries started in autumn of 2014. The continuous quality of the ultra-high strength dual phase steel so completely convinced Tower Automotive that meanwhile Salzgitter Flachstahl has been assigned a large share of the production quantity.
Salzgitter Flachstahl also offers the HCT980XD as an LCE version (Low Carbon Equivalent) so that the automakers' various requirements can be fulfilled.
If requested, a hole expansion ratio of min. 20 % (according to ISO 16630, cf HHE, High Hole Expansion) and, starting in 01/2016, a bending angle according to VDA 238-100 of min. 65° can be guaranteed in the xpand® versions as special features. The characteristics of these derivatives are described for the longitudinal and transverse test in SZFG material sheet 11-980 and in the three corresponding material information sheets:
Steel grade | Name with additional characteristics: (guaranteed hole expansion and bending angle) | Classification according to yield strength ranges | Yield strengths (transverse/longitudinal) | A80 elongation (transverse/ longitudinal) |
HCT980XD HCT600XD CR590Y980T-DP | HCT980XDxpand® HC600XDxpand® CR590Y980T-DPxpand® | Low yield strength (LY) LY = low yield | 600 - 750 MPa/590 - 740 MPa | min. 10 %/min. 10 % |
HC660XD CR650Y980T-DP | HC660XDxpand® CR650Y980T-DPxpand® | Medium yield strength (BY) BY = Basic yield | 660 - 810 MPa/650 - 800 MPa | min. 10 %/min. 9 % |
HCT980XG HC700XD CR700Y980T-DP | HCT980XGxpand® HC700XDxpand® CR700Y980T-DPxpand® | Higher yield strength (HY) HY = high yield | 700 - 850 MPa/700 - 850 MPa | min. 8 %/min. 8 % |