Advance notice Euroblech 2024

08.10.2024 | Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH

The 27th EuroBLECH, the international technology trade fair for sheet metal working, will once again open its doors in Hanover from October 22 to 25, 2024. Under this year's motto - 'The Power of Productivity' - around 1,300 exhibitors from 40 countries will be showcasing the world's largest range of sheet metal working solutions for greater performance and efficiency. Salzgitter Flachstahl and its sister companies will once again be represented in Hall 17 at Stand D78.

Under this year's motto “A new way of thinking for a new industry - it's happening here”, together with Salzgitter Mannesmann Handel GmbH, Salzgitter Mannesmann Stahlservice GmbH, Ilsenburger Grobblech GmbH and Salzgitter Automotive Engineering GmbH & CO. KG on our way to the steel production of the future. The increasing importance of sustainable production processes currently requires companies to make fundamental changes to their production and logistics processes. With selected trade fair exhibits, such as the hydrogen model and the SALCOS® information table, we will give you an overview of the current progress and development of the SALCOS® project (Salzgitter Low CO2 Steelmaking) for CO2-reduced steel production.

We look forward to presenting these and other current developments and solution concepts to you during the four days of the trade fair and expect numerous stimulating discussions with you. Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH will be represented by its sales contacts on all days of the fair. You can find the exact stand line-up at

We look forward to your visit!