To stop improvement, means to start deterioration
09.03.2016 | Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH
To stop improvement, means to start deterioration
Last autumn, Salzgitter Flachstahl once again carried out a customer satisfaction survey and is delighted about the high participation quota. The results do give Salzgitter Flachstahl a number of reference points for further improvement of products and process and thus to increase customer satisfaction.
Results of the 2015 survey
The results show that compared to the last survey carried out in 2013 Salzgitter Flachstahl improved its performance over all areas. An especially positive trend can be seen for the areas technical customer support, complaint handling and services. Furthermore, Salzgitter Flachstahl achieved a constantly high degree of satisfaction regarding the quality of their products.
The areas with a lower degree of satisfaction will be thoroughly analyzed during the next weeks. Thanks to the detailed customer comments, Salzgitter Flachstahl will be able to identify weak spots and initiate targeted actions. By means of intensified efforts especially in these areas, Salzgitter Flachstahl strives to enhance customer satisfaction.